Tell Neba'a Litani

Tell Neba'a Litani
Alternate name Neba'a Litani
Location 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) west of Baalbek
Region Bekaa Valley
Type Tell
Periods PPNB
Cultures Neolithic
Site notes
Excavation dates 1965-1966
Archaeologists Lorraine Copeland,
Peter Wescombe
Condition Ruins
Public access Yes

Tell Neba'a Litani or Neba'a Litani is a medium size tell 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) west of Baalbek in the northern Beqaa Valley of Lebanon.[1] I It is located near the spring which is the main source of the Litani River at a height of 1,002 metres (3,287 ft). It was first studied by Lorraine Copeland and Peter Wescombe in 1965-1966 and is accessible via a road which turns from Hoch Barada to the left.[2] Materials recovered included flint tools such as scrapers and the blade from a segmented sickle. Pottery included burnished, painted and red washed shards, some with incised decoration or lattice patterns. The material resembled finds from Byblos and Ard Tlaili leading Copeland and Wescombe to suggest a late Neolithic occupation for the tell that extended into the Bronze Age.[3]


  1. ^ Université Saint-Joseph (Beirut; Lebanon) (1966). Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph. Impr. catholique. Retrieved 25 March 2011. 
  2. ^ Francis Hours (1994). Atlas des sites du proche orient (14000-5700 BP). Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen. ISBN 9782903264536. Retrieved 24 March 2011. 
  3. ^ Moore, A.M.T. (1978). The Neolithic of the Levant. Oxford University, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. pp. 436–442.